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img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
20th Apr


April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020


Despite the surreal times we are all living in, it doesn’t hurt to insert a bit or normalcy into our days.  So, here it goes.

Winter is fast losing its grip, the ice is out and maybe, just maybe, we’ll have a sailing season. The spring regattas have been dropping like flies, but the MC Masters regatta being hosted by Clear Lake in mid-June is at least still on the “bubble.”  Come to think of it, social distancing is fairly simple while racing an MC……….not quite as easy once you’re off the boat.

One more thing.  After having the distinct pleasure of doing the Crow’s Nest off and on (mostly on) for the past 30+ years, I believe it’s time for me to hand the tiller over to some new blood.  In that vein, I’m happy to announce that Dan Allen has enthusiastically grabbed the tiller and thrown me off the boat… look for him to be authoring the first official newsletter of the year that will come out in the next week or so.

There is a long list of folks who deserve my thanks, but I’ll name just a few, starting with Gil Bovard (who handed me the tiller in the mid-80s and probably considered taking it back a time or two); Sue (Birdsall) Orton (who let me dictate the newsletter over the phone to her admin in the days before email); Larson Printing (who was always there to print and snail mail an ever decreasing number of hard copy newsletters each year); Harry Alcorn (who helped bring the newsletter into the digital age); Stu Oltrogge, Denni Erickson and Margaret Oz (who have unerringly kept me in the loop, gently reminded me of deadlines, and checked my facts to ensure that the Crow’s Nest did not become yet another example of fake news).  Thanks to the Commodores and Secretary-Treasurers over the years who responded when I bugged them for information.  But most of all, thanks to all of you CLYC members, who often glanced at my weekly ramblings, occasionally paid attention to them……but always let me know they appreciated the effort.  Without you, there is no Crow’s Nest.

I think maybe Gil was right when he would remind me now and again that the Crow’s Nest is a part of the glue that holds our club together…….and I am honored and proud to have been a part of that for a few decades.

Look forward to summer on the water. Stay safe.

Later, Oz

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