img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!

2015 Registration Info

Welcome to the 2014 season!  The following was sent to all of last year’s members via USPS and email.  For registering the old fashion way, please complete the registration form attached at the bottom of this page and send it back to the club along with your fees.  Or simply go to the online registration area located on this website.


May 1, 2014

The 2014 Clear Lake Yacht Club and Sailing School season is upon us!!!

But first let us pause a moment………..and reflect. In recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Beatles appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show and because of the brutal winter we all endured, I offer the following (from the Abbey Road album, circa 1969):

Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say, it’s all right

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting

Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say, it’s all right

And that’s all I have to say about that…………….

CLEAR LAKE YACHT CLUB REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE BY MAY 15…………..a boring hard copy registration form is attached for those of you unable or unwilling to visit the new and improved CLYC website… can complete the form and snail mail it to CLYC, PO Box 29, Clear Lake, IA 50428. For those of you who are more adventurous (and can dodge the recent problems with Internet Explorer and the demise of Windows XP support), check out the dazzling new website (, click the “Our Club” tab, then the “Membership Info” tab, then the “Pay Dues Online” tab and… magic… will again be a member of one of the best yacht clubs around. The reason for the deadline is so Denni Erickson and her minions can complete the yearbook, so you can have it by Memorial Day…..give or take.

SAILING SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS ARE ALSO RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER……….You will find Sailing School class schedules and general information attached to this newsletter that I just copied from the Sailing School website (……it’s actually much prettier there). There is no paper registration form……….the only way to register that I know of is to go online to the Sailing School website. You can either go there directly ( or you can get there through the CLYC website by clicking on the “Sailing” tab, then clicking on “Sailing School”). You should probably get on this right away, because the Sailing School needs 3 weeks notice……..and class sizes are limited.

AND FINALLY, ALL KINDS OF SCHEDULES ARE ATTACHED…….FOR PARTIES, FUN RACES, RACE WATCHING, RACING, ETC., ETC., ETC……..You should be able to find all this on the CLYC website, but the paper schedules look better on your refrigerator………or in a pile on your desk.

Time’s a wasting……….get those docks, lifts and boats in!

Later, Oz


2014 CLYC Membersip Form

Attachments to first CLYC Newsletter