img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
5th Jun


June 4, 2015

June 4, 2015

The calendar tells me we are into summer……….if only the weather were telling me the same thing. Last weekend was a bit on the chilly side………..Saturday was fairly miserable, but a handful of hardy (I nearly wrote “foolhardy”) MCs and the PRO team did brave the elements. Sunday dawned just as cold, but the lighter breezes made racing much more bearable. The E Fleet even got their licks in during Sunday afternoon.

THANKS TO THE SOCIAL MEMBERS…………..for making the first party of the year a culinary success. It’s always nice to reconnect with YC members after the long winter off season.

EARLY WARNING FOR THE NEXT YACHT CLUB PARTY………..Building on the momentum of the first party of the season, the second party is just around the corner. In fact it will be Saturday, June 13, starting about 6:30 p.m. at Jeff Brakke’s residence, 1929 North Shore Drive. We had a great CLYC party there last year, and I would guess that will be repeated this year. X Boat Parents, C Boaters and E Boaters are in charge of hors d’oeuvres and helping with beverage serving.

ATTACHED IS THE 2015 CLYC SCHEDULE…………. For those of you who like it in hard copy, the racing and social schedule is attached, as well as lists of fleet captains, and board members. This same information is in the yearbooks that will soon be available and is also easily found on the CLYC web site, so choose whichever format suits your fancy.

SPEAKING OF BOARD MEMBERS……………there is a Board Meeting this coming Saturday, June 6, 4:00 p.m. sharp, at the Yacht Club.

THE HOBIE 17 NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS……are here at Clear Lake during the weekdays next week, specifically Monday, June 8 through Friday, June 12. I understand that 30 or more boats are expected to participate. If you are interested in helping out…….or would just like some details regarding the regatta……….Chris Wessels ( would be happy to work with you.

COLLEGIATE NATIONALS…….are just winding up in Newport, Rhode Island. One of our own, Emily Oltrogge has been competing out there for a week or so in the women’s and coed divisions. I don’t have any results, but I bet Stu or Julie Oltrogge can fill you in.

That’s all for now, Oz


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