img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
16th Jul


July 9, 2015

July 9, 2015

I assume you all made it through the Fourth of July celebrations relatively unscathed, watched another stellar fireworks display, maybe lit a few of your own (which NFL players are apparently not so good at), hung out with friends and “rellies”, and hugged your favorite carnie(s). We even got some sailboat racing in………..the X Boats got all 3 races in (although Friday looked like a slog in extremely light air), and the rest of us got our “sailing fixes” in Sunday’s nice breezes. The C Fleet managed to get in their first and only race of the entire First Series…….after about four attempts. There was quite a bit of carnage during the E Boats’ second race in the afternoon………..I went inside to grab an adult beverage, came back out, and it looked like the fleet had disappeared. I even saw that Chaos, the A Boat, was out on a Sunday cruise………very nice. Now it’s time for regatta season to get underway.

FOURTH OF JULY REGATTA RESULTS……….read ‘em and weep.

X Fleet                                                                                            MC Fleet

  1. Z-7   Wil Cooney                                                                         1.  2178 Mark Tesar
  2. Z-11 George Long                                                                       2.  2606 Stu Oltrogge
  3. Z-00 Ana Starbeck                                                                     3.  2401 Todd Tesar
  4. Z-48 Gage Redman                                                                    4.  2288 Nathan Kotz
  5. Z-8   Sophie Anderson                                                               5.  2410 Steve Taylor

C Fleet                                                                                            M17 Fleet

  1. Z-100 Steve Swift                                                                        1.  USA 2 Marcus Lundberg
  2. Z-3       Bill Nicholas                                                                   2.  USA 136 AJ Hanus

E Fleet                                                                                            Hobie Fleet

  1. Z-1 Eric Protzman                                                                      1.  5931 Mike Pruchnicki
  2. Z-2 Marcus Lundberg                                                               2.  6528 Bill Wilson
  3. Z-17 Gerald Peterson/Mark Tesar

IT IS FINALLY HERE………The 80th Anniversary Gala of the Clear Lake Yacht Club is this Saturday, July 11, at the Surf, starting at 6:30 p.m. I doubt there will be a plethora of tuxes and/or bow ties……..but there might be a few. On the other hand, I am willing to bet that topsiders and flops will be the universal footwear. I really have no idea if tickets are still available, but if you missed the deadline, and are in a panic, Paula Hanus (641-357-1741) might be able to help you out of your predicament.

REGATTAS THIS WEEKEND……….As I mentioned earlier, regatta season has arrived, and Clear Lake is being well represented in a few of this weekend’s events. Good luck to you all…………..

GLSS – George Long is doing GLSS this week in his X Boat at Lake Geneva.

No Tears Optimist Regatta – is being held at our lake tomorrow. This is a big event for the Sailing School…….and for our future sailors.

E Invitational – Jeff Nicholas and his crew of Stu and Emily Oltrogge and Meg Casey, feel like they’ve polished up their act enough to start racing on the regional scene……and are traveling to Lake Minnetonka to compete against about 40 other E Boats.

Enjoy summer now that it’s finally decided to arrive,   Oz


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