img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
2nd Sep


September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015

The end is near! Another sailing season is fast becoming a memory…………at least it’s a good one.

LABOR DAY REGATTA…………is this weekend. I would expect back-to-back races on Saturday, if Mother Nature permits. This is the last chance for some to qualify for Yacht Club awards, including the infamous Juno Cups for last place in the last race.

THE CLEAR LAKE YACHT CLUB YEAR END BANQUET………is also this weekend. All CLYC members are invited to join the festivities on Sunday, September 6 at the Yacht Club. At around 5:30 p.m. meal service should commence, catered by Star-b-que, run by Scot Starbeck from Cedar Falls…….all for the tidy sum of $6.00 per person. The awards presentation, hosted by Jeff Nicholas, begins at 6:30.

IF YOU HAVE TRAVELING TROPHIES……..make sure you get them to Jeff Nicholas someway, somehow so they can go to this year’s rightful owner.

BLOOPER AWARD NOMINATIONS…….are still open. Stu Oltrogge is begging you to nominate friends, enemies, even yourself, who have committed sailing or boating related mishaps, blunders and other screw-ups. Stu is begging for more nominations because his name has come up in a few of the current nominations………..and he is not excited about presenting the Blooper award to himself. You can contact him at

THEY CAME, THEY SAW, THEY CONQUERED (PRETTY MUCH)………..Three members of the MC Fleet were CLYC’s lone representatives at the ILYA Championships in Geneva two weeks ago………and they definitely left their mark, so to speak. In the 51 boat fleet, Mark Tesar, Stu Oltrogge and Emily Oltrogge finished 4th, 7th and `13th overall, respectively. When the wind really kicked up for the last two races on Sunday, Mark won one race and Stu won the other race, followed closely by Emily in both races. How nice is that…………

Enjoy your 3 day weekend (cuz there ain’t no more this summer),



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