img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
26th May


April 20, 2016

April 20, 2016


OK, my taxes are paid to the various government revenue departments that no doubt will spend them prudently and wisely………so it must be time to get ready for the summer sailing season.

MAY DAY YACHT CLUB CLEANUP………..Join us Sunday, May 1 at noon to spruce up the Yacht Club building and grounds so they will be ready for another busy season. It would be nice to see some new faces this year in addition to the handful of stalwarts who appear year after year to lend a hand. What better way to spend May Day than hanging out by the lake with your Yacht Club compatriots and doing some spring cleanup?

CLYC REGISTRATION……… underway. The email blast that went out earlier this month generated some early signups. A registration form is attached for those of you who are unwilling or unable to register online – just complete the form and return it with your annual dues before May 15. For those of you who enjoy the online experience, just go to the CLYC Web Site ( and click on the “2016 Membership Info” tab and go into the “Pay Dues Online” tab…….and you will be done in a matter of minutes.

For our younger brethren (those between 23 and 30 years of age), there is a discounted member rate called the Junior Membership Social Fee which is set up to accommodate those who either want to be non-sailing social members of the Yacht Club or sailing members of the Yacht Club. If you fall into that age group (and believe me, I wish I did) you should take advantage of it.

SAILING SCHOOL REGISTRATION……… well underway, and is probably way ahead of Yacht Club registrations, because summer scheduling tends to start right after Christmas. To get all the information you need, go the CLYC Sailing School Web Site (, and it will all be laid out for you.

FIRST BOARD MEETING……….is Saturday, April 30, at noon at the Yacht Club.

LOOKING AT ANOTHER BUSY SUMMER…………We are hosting three regattas this summer, the largest by far being the ILYA Optimist Championships from July 31-August 2. The season will kick off with the Hobie 17 Division Championships on May 21 and 22. And squeezed in the middle will be the Clear Lake/Okoboji X Regatta on June 27 and 28.

The ice is out, the lake’s up, docks and lifts are going in……….time to rev up for the 2016 season!

Later, Oz

Email (office):             

Email (home):            

CLYC Web Site:          

Sailing School Site: 

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