img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
2nd Jun


June 2, 2016

June 2, 2016

I always have high hopes and low expectations for the Memorial Day weekend………and it worked again this year. The marauding storms that crashed through every once in a while didn’t put a damper on what was otherwise a pretty nice weekend……….unless of course you got caught in one of them on the lake, or on your bike, or at Tree Town. And, with the exception of the Saturday afternoon fleets, we got all of our races completed, in pleasant breezes at that.

THE FIRST CLYC PARTY OF THE YEAR…….is this Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the Yacht Club. As always, all members are invited. Don’t miss this one, because the Social Members are preparing the hors d’oeuvres. And remember, because this party is at the Yacht Club, it is BYOB…….and by BYOB I mean beer and wine only (no liquor). The Club will be furnishing some glasses and ice coolers if you need them.


MC Fleet                                                    X Fleet                                                        Hobie Fleet

  1. 2606 Stu Oltrogge                                      1.  Z-00   Ana Starbeck                       1. 6650 Steve Brewer
  2. 2178 Mark Tesar                                         2.  Z-11George Long                            2. 1701 Chris Wessels
  3. 2401 Todd Tesar                                         3.  Z-999 Alex Starbeck
  4. 2574 Randy Kotz                                        4. Z-16   Billy Starbeck

WE ARE BACK TO A NORMAL RACING SCHEDULE THIS WEEKEND………..X’s, MC’s and M17’s race at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday………..E’s, C’s and Hobies race at 2:00 p.m on Saturday………..all fleets (except the E’s) race at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.

THERE’S A WHOLE LOTTA BEEPING GOING ON……….PRO Tom Erickson has a new fangled starting device that he will use for this weekend’s Saturday afternoon races. The starting sequence and flags will stay the same, but there will be a lot more warning beeps. Here’s how I’m told it will work:

3:15 before the first fleet starts                                  5 short sounds (Attention Signal)

3:00                                                                                3 short sounds

2:00                                                                                2 loud sounds

1:30                                                                                1 loud and 3 short

1:00                                                                                1 loud

0:30                                                                                3 short

0:20                                                                                2 short

0:10                                                                                1 short

0:05-0:01                                                                    1 short per second

0:00                                                                                1 loud

This will repeat for each of the next fleets, except for the Attention Signal, which you will not hear again. It will be interesting to find out what everyone thinks about this new (at least for us) concept. For me, I’ll never remember which sound means what, so I’ll pay attention to the flags until there is a minute to go, which is when I think the beeping will come in handy……….at least until my hearing goes some years from now.

AND, FINALLY, A FEW THANK YOU’S……….to Jim Larson, who once again graced the cover of the CLYC Yearbook with his artwork……….and to Craig Kienast for letting us use last year’s anniversary party photo and the past Commodore photo in this year’s yearbook.


Fair Winds, Oz


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Sailing School Web Site:                         

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