img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
12th Aug


August 12, 2016

August 12, 2016

It’s been a busy couple of weeks for our Yacht Club with on-lake and off-lake regattas galore. We hosted 94 Optis in the ILYA Optimist Championships in magnificent fashion. But for many of our younger sailors (and specifically the Starbeck clan), that was just the halfway point of a crazy busy 10 day swing………first, it was X Inlands at Okoboji, then it was Opti Champs at Clear Lake, then back to Okoboji for the Interlakes Regatta.

OPTI CHAMPIONSHIPS THANK YOU’s……..At the end of this newsletter is a “shout out” thank you from Margaret Oz, Andi Tisor and Chris Long to all of you who helped make the ILYA Opti Champs Regatta a smashing success. Our stalwart volunteers, as always, did much of the heavy lifting……..but there were a lot of new faces who pitched in mightily and who, I’m sure, will become our future stalwart volunteers. And, the rest of us need to thank Margaret, Andi and Chris for the months of preparation, meetings, and coordination that go into these big regattas……..and that make Clear Lake a venue that sailors want to race at year after year.

REGATTA REPORTS………Lots of regattas to report on, but I’ll save it for next week.

ANNUAL PICNIC FOR THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF CLEAR LAKE… this weekend. Deb Tesar, President of the Association, invites all of us who use, live on and appreciate Clear Lake to attend:

“You are invited to the Association for the Preservation of Clear Lake’s Annual Picnic on Sunday, August 14, starting at 4:30 p.m. at PM Park. Speakers Jim Sholly (new CLEAR Project Coordinator), Scott Grummer (Iowa DNR Fisheries Biologist, and Deb Tesar (APCL President) will provide updates on topics such as the CLEAR Project, water quality monitoring, watershed improvements, and fisheries, and Ventura Marsh….just to name a few. Meal to be served at 5:00 p.m. will include pulled pork sandwich, pasta salad, potato chips and bars. Ticket prices are $10.00 at the door. This is a great opportunity to mingle with others who care about and/or are curious about the status and welfare of our treasured Clear Lake.”

EARLY WARNING FOR THE NEXT CLYC PARTY………..Saturday, August 20, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Shawn Sabin and Paul Barnds’ residence, 1909 South Shore Drive. MCs, M17s and Hobies have the honors of bringing hors d’ oeuvres. Not only is this a Yacht Club party at a new location, there is even a new house at the new location.


Margaret Oz, Andi Tisor and Chris Long want to thank the CLYC members who turned out to make the 2016 ILYA Optimist Champs a success!

Bob Swanson, Grover Windsor, Steve Swift (linesman and judge)

Kristin Ebeling and Rebecca Nyhus – for baking 444 cookies that were donated by Tom and Nancy Lundeen.

Prep Crew – Brian and Val Edison, Tom Birdsall (Godfather’s Pizza lunch for Tues!!), James Roberts

Night Security – Greg Olson

Flags – Larry Day

ILYA Boat Demo – Stu Oltrogge (Webmaster, ILYA Rep) Dave Berg – ILYA

Publicity – Julie Oltrogge

Volunteer Assignments – Meg Casey

Trophies – Kim Holtz

Breakfast Ladies – Sue Taylor, Louis Krogh, Steph Burnett (who also donated the Sno-Cone machine that was a huge hit!!)

The Lunch Ladies – Fran Oz, Jo Cutler, Judy Bolte, Nancy Zanios, Nancy Barnes, Marty Lundberg (and John, who like to hang out with the ladies), Nada Oltrogge, Madonna Ryan, Bobbie Casey

Monday evening dinner planned by Andi Tisor and Kristin Ebeline, with Kari Redman, Kelly Cooney, Kathy MacNider, Hunter Callanan, Suzanne Hess

Registration – Hank Anderson (hours of billing!!), Kathy Anderson (T-shirts and spectator boat), Julie Oltrogge, Barb Roberts, Diane Kotz, Christy Debartolo, Nancy Protzman

Measurement – Bob Krogh, Meg Casey, Al Ludwig, Randy Kotz, Bob Swanson, James Roberts

Check in – Brad Oz, Mike Starbeck, Ana Starbeck, Steve Taylor

Raffle – Julie Lundberg

Housing, dock signs and recycling – Deb Tesar

Scorer – Mark Tesar

Spectator Boats – Bill Nicholas, Jamie Zachar, Starbeck/Quinn, Bob Swanson, Eric Protzman, the Ebeling and Plagge pontoons piloted by Julie Oltrogge, Steve Taylor and Mark Ebeling. Gerald Peterson’s Whaler for the ILYA rep.

Clean up – Mike Pruchnicki, Liz Takas, Bob Krogh, Tom Birdsall

The judging crew led by Charlie MacNider – Bill Casey, Tom Schafer, Vince Tomlinson, Stu Oltrogge, Jeff Nicholas, Casey Callanan, Kathy MacNider, Tommy and Denni Erickson, John Hanson.

Green Fleet judging crew led by Candace Porter and Charlie Helmes – Steve Swift, Brad Oz, Meg Casey, Ken and AJ Hanus

Thank you to the Sailing School Instructors – Will Finstad, Ana Starbeck, Wil Cooney, Riley Cooney, Sophie Anderson, Molly Anderson, Sydney Zachar, Patrick Zachar, Alex Starbeck, Gage Redman, George Long, Chrissy Tesar

Games – Amy Wagler (and her hubby Chris who made Opti Sail numbers for our new boats in one day!!)

Everyone did more than just one thing – whether it was dumping garbage (Kathy MacNider) or sweeping or cleaning up the Sno Cone machine

And thank you to our Opti parents – Nyhus, Takas, Ebeling, Lundberg, Ludwig, Starbeck, Anderson, Gerbus

Special thanks to Dave Atkinson for pulling every single Opti out of the water after every race (with the help of Steve Taylor) and for all of the extra building maintenance the past several weeks (and for holding the ladder for me while I was cutting down tree limbs that were getting in the way of Opti masts).

Later, Oz

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