img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
30th Aug


August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018

We’re approaching the finish line of yet another sailing season.  And to commemorate it, we had a little bit of everything last weekend…………no breezes, nice breezes, storm downdraft breezes and a race called due to lightning.  Speaking of lightning, Eric and Nancy Protzman’s cruising sailboat was somehow struck by lightning, despite the fact that it has the shortest mast on the Outing Club dock…….I mean, it’s steps away from an MC, an E (both of which are also Eric’s) and an A, all of which have much taller lightning rods………..Mother Nature can be dangerous and quirky.  In fact, she was just dangerous and quirky enough to cause the Dad/Mom/Lad/Lass makeup race to be canceled…………the first time in memory that we’ve gone through a season without that race (and dad’s and mom’s around the lake are breathing a sigh of relief).

LABOR DAY REGATTA………the last club regatta of the season is this weekend.  Expect back-to-back races on Saturday.  Last chance to garner a club trophy for the year, and your only chance to win the venerable Juno Cup, for last place in the last race.

YEAR END BANQUET…… Sunday, September 2 at the Yacht Club. It starts at 5:30 p.m. $10 for adults and $5 for kids, will get you a meal catered by the Hungry Mind, the annual awards presentation, and a windup of the CLYC season.  A couple reminders:

                 RETURN YOUR CLYC TRAVELING TROPHIES…… Mark Tesar ( by the start of the banquet, at the latest.


BOARD MEETING……….is Sunday, September 2 at 1:00 p.m. at the Yacht Club.

Farewell to CLYC’s 83rd season, Oz


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