img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
29th Aug


August 30, 2019

August 30, 2019


We can’t put it off any longer.   It’s just about time to forget about those boat repairs you were going to get done this past spring and you got too busy to do this summer………and put it off until next spring.  It’s all about gearing up for winter storage now.

LABOR DAY REGATTA……… this weekend with back-to-back racing on Saturday.  The Juno Cup Trophy is waiting for any of us who manage to fall into last place in the last race of the season.

SPEAKING OF TROPHIES……..make a point of returning CLYC club traveling trophies that you may have been awarded last year to Mark Tesar ( before Sunday evening’s Year End Banquet…………..worst case, bring it to the banquet.

SPEAKING OF BANQUETS………the CLYC Year End Banquet and Awards Ceremony is this Sunday, September 1. The banquet portion of the event will commence at 5:30 p.m.  The food fare will be roast pork, green beans, cheesy potatoes, watermelon, cookies and brownies.  It’s $10 a head for adults and $5 for not-yet-adults.  The awards program will start about 6:30 p.m. and will culminate with the ever popular Blooper Award presentation.

SPEAKING OF BLOOPER AWARDS………..Stu Oltrogge ( has informed me that he needs more nominations.  Either we’ve all learned from our past mistakes and no longer do dumb things around water (which I highly doubt) or we’ve decided not to throw our fellow CLYC members under the bus (which I also doubt) or we’ve just plain old forgotten (which I don’t doubt).  Rack your memory for some stories and let Stu know, so we’ll all have someone to laugh at on Sunday.

FINAL CLYC BOARD MEETING……….of the season is Sunday, 1:30 p.m., at the Yacht Club

MC NATIONALS……were held at Lake Minnetonka last weekend.  Our MC Fleet sent 5 boats to compete in the 90 boat fleet.  One race found 3 Clear Lake MCs in the top 10. Mark Tesar grabbed 12thoverall.  Byron Beasley took home 1stplace in the Mega Master category.  Emily Oltrogge just missed out on top female honors. Todd Tesar somehow ended up in the middle of the fleet even after abandoning two races for boat equipment failures………Todd, please read the first paragraph of this newsletter…….there’s a moral in there somewhere.

And that about wraps up the 84thseason of the Clear Lake Yacht Club……………


Later, Oz

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