img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
20th Apr


April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020

I really need to start off my first Crow’s Nest with a HUGE thank you to Brad Oz. His contributions and time spent entertaining us with his words, wise cracks and YC gossip will forever be appreciated.  For those of you who didn’t know or maybe didn’t realize, Oz was the purveyor of YC news for the better part of thirty-five years!  He was our far more delightful and amusing version of Walter Cronkite.  He and I got together about a month ago and as I was leaving his house, he had a tear in his eye and said, “Don’t forget to tell the troops this… Registrations are due!”  What a way to end an era, thinking about nothing more than the health of the club!  I just hope I can fill the shoes of such a thoughtful man!

With that said…  Welcome officially to the 85th season of the Clear Lake Yacht Club!  Hank Anderson takes the helm this year as Commodore, wearing his nitrile gloves and respirator mask with Christine Long as Vice Commodore donning the same with her own fashion flare.  They bring with them the promise of great racing plus the camaraderie of social events for all.  This Pandemic will soon (hopefully very soon) be a mere afterthought and we’ll be enjoying our events on and beside our gorgeous lake!

While we all have the worry of this pandemic plaguing us, the docks and lifts are going in, soon we’ll dig boats out of their winter slumbering holes, some of us may even check over and clean our equipment but, all of us will pay our registrations, and for now have the peace of mind that our race schedule remains unaffected.  The deadline for paying the registrations has been moved back to May 22nd, however, let’s not wait.  Let’s face it, a lot of us are sitting around in front of our computers all day anyway, we might as well get our memberships paid.

Normally we have the annual “Clean-up Day” at the club, sorry to say folks, that’s not happening this year.  The indoor clean up will be handled by our Building and Grounds Director Dave Atkinson.  The outside, now that’s another story…  Margaret Oz is going to be hosting an “Outside Clean Up Day” on May 2nd at the club.  Call or email Margaret , she’ll get you the specifics.  Please note, this is an outdoor event only and people will need to keep practicing the art of social distancing, the club won’t be open for use or congregation at this point.

The Officers and Board Members have just completed their first meeting and discussed the many topics related to keeping the Club moving forward. Basically, what that means to you and me:  The Party Schedule…  The Coronavirus and subsequent provisions make these subject to change; tentatively the dates are June 13th, July 18th, August 8th and Awards Ceremony on September 6th.  Don’t worry, I’ll give you plenty of notice regarding specific times and locations soon!

The other and more important aspect than the parties…  Registrations (I don’t think I mentioned anything about this yet) …  They’re due by May 22nd…  Let’s get them paid, it’s one less thing to think and worry about!  The dues this year are as follows and naturally will be on the website :

  • New Social Member – $100
  • Junior Social Member (under 21) – $55
  • Regular Social Member – $125
  • Racing Boat (each boat, fleets E, C, MC, M17, Hobie) – $170
  • Racing Boat (X fleet) – $65

Now that you’ve registered, you can look forward to the fun and competition filled club racing along with our social events scheduled for the summer.  That schedule is posted on the CLYC website, and those are obviously subject to some change, however, they’re currently unaffected by the Pandemic.  Please note that Memorial Day is early this year, don’t dawdle getting to your boats.  The 4th of July falls on a Saturday, the Board will have further discussion regarding racing on July 5th, stay tuned for the latest on that.  E fleet, please be sure to double check the calendar for the Sunday dates you have extra races!  Be ready to go!  A slight change in the E fleet scoring also; you’ll have the traditional scoring, 1st Series, 2nd Series, etc, like the rest of the fleets rather than just one long Championship series.

HRO Charlie MacNider reminds us to review and refresh the rules in our brains.  It would be a shame to have a hearing in front of the Protest Committee, which if memory serves is the C Fleet?  Let’s keep the protests down to about the number of club races those fair-weather guys race; in other words, a minimum.

The CLYC and MC Fleet 36 will host the MC Sailing Association (MCSA) Masters Nationals June 18th – 21st.  This is the National Championship for those sailors of the 50+ age set, some of the best sailors in the country, all together for 4 days on our lake!  Regatta Co-Charis Mark Tesar and Stu Oltrogge are projecting 50 boats or more and will be looking for volunteers of all types.  Let’s all do our part to make this event a great and successful one!

I’m sure I missed a few things and if I did, I apologize (registration is open though, I know you’re planning to do that soon).  Please feel free to contact me via email and let me know what those tidbits are, I’ll do my best to get them in the next newsletter.  Again… Registration is open, you can register online at or if so inclined, fill out the paper form using the link below and send it in to the Club’s P.O. box.

Until the next time I invade your Inbox (hopefully with many less reminders of registration),

Stay in the clear air
Dan Allen
MC 2577 – Relentless

2020 Membership Form

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