img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
13th May


Crow’s Nest 05/14/20

May 14, 2020

Can you believe it’s almost Memorial Day weekend?  Only 8 days to go until the three-day weekend which kicks off our favorite season.  That also means, 8 days until registrations are due.  We all know you have time, if you haven’t done so yet, please go register now.  If you know someone who hasn’t registered, well…… Give them a little encouragement to do so!


More restrictions were recently lifted for Iowans…..  Thankfully, we can all go get haircuts, thank goodness too; a recent visit to the Compound resulted in a sighting of Grizzly Adams sailing an MC…  Sadly, I didn’t see mass gatherings of happy people desperate to enjoy the camaraderie of old and new friends next to a beautiful lake, on the list…. Since it wasn’t on Gov. Reynolds’ list, we have to keep our party dates flexible.  The first party is tentatively set for June 13th, as usual, as the news comes across the wire, I will provide it to the masses.


My oh my, do our friends at the Sailing Center have a tough road to travel right now.  Not only do they want to teach our eager youth and adults, they must keep all those involved safe!  Here is a Message from the CLSC regarding these issues and their plan for the summer.  Should you have any questions regarding the policies or implementation, please contact Andi Tisor.


I never got an actual report from Margaret (I don’t think I asked for one either), however, I’ve had the opportunity to drive by the Club and see how great the grounds look.  Thank you very much to Margaret and crew for your hard work.  Also, thanks to Dave Atkinson for taking care of the inside of the building.  I’m sure it looks great, hopefully we get to use it soon!


In case you missed it in the last newsletter, Regatta Chairs Mark and Stu have given us a little longer to prepare for the MC Masters Nationals.  Perhaps it wasn’t by choice, but hopefully after postponing a few months we have a higher turnout of sailors and a better regatta experience for all!


If you haven’t done so, check out the CLYC Facebook page!  Stu has been keeping it up to date with the latest happenings in and around the Club. We all know the Club is more than just sailboat racing, it’s about total enjoyment of the lake, share and tag us in pictures of you exercising that joy!


The racing season opens on May 23rd in the M17, MC and X fleets at 0930. The E fleet rips up the lake at 1400 on May 23rd, joined by the C and Hobie fleets. For those not racing, come out and watch the races. Maybe you’ll learn something and want to get involved in racing, maybe you just want to cheer and jeer your friends while they race.  Either way, we’d love to see you out on the water with us!


Lastly, don’t forget about registrations… May 22nd is the deadline. to register online or print a hard copy.


Stay in the clear air

Dan Allen
MC 2577 – Relentless

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