img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
22nd May


Crow’s Nest 05/21/20

May 21, 2020
One day folks, just one more day to register for the 2020 season.  This season promises to be possibly the most unique in the history of the Clear Lake Yacht Club.  Don’t forget to be an official part of it.


The exuberance of all Lakers has been on full display the past couple weeks with multiple race boats and teams out on the water getting reacquainted with their craft.  The fishermen have been locked in full throttle for weeks and even the wakeboarders and jet skiers are braving the Springtime water temps!


The Memorial Day Regatta will kick off the season; the M17, MC and X fleets start on Saturday at 0930.  The E, C and Hobie fleets commence their fleet racing at 1400 on Saturday.  Mother Nature can’t seem to make up her mind, so, be ready for whatever she may throw at us!  Be sure your radios have fresh charged batteries and don’t forget to tune to channel 72 for updates from the PRO regarding the racing.  Should anything get crazy or weird, spectators please be ready to lend a hand, that water is still plenty chilly.  As I’ve been saying this Spring, snap those pictures and post them to our Facebook page, everyone loves seeing all the fun being had, not just by the sailors, everyone on the water!


Unfortunately, restrictions regarding social gatherings have yet to be lifted. The first party set for June 13th is still therefore tentative…  I’m sorry. One of these days I’ll be able to put a party time and date in big bold lettering……. I hope!  If you have the time and would like to read Governor Kim Reynolds’ latest proclamation you can do so here:

Speaking of the Officers and Board….  The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 24th at 1330.  It is again being done over Zoom and will also have a phone dial in feature if you happen to be on the road.  You should already have an email regarding this, if you missed it, let this serve as a reminder.


Don’t forget to click on over to the Sailing Center website they have a bunch of information on registration and plans for the upcoming sessions.  In the last Crow’s Nest I included a letter from the Center, in case you missed it, here it is again. Let’s all please help them out as best we can, be patient and tolerant as they have many moving parts to deal with in this crazy time!


In a previous issue of the Crow’s Nest I promised I would report on the findings of my expert staff regarding the correlation between mayflies, crawfish and clean water… Good research takes time and effort and none was spared in this case.  The findings:  They do correlate!  The mayflies and crawfish in and around the lake are the sign of clean water and a good ecosystem.   Take that investigative journalism Woodward and Bernstein!


Don’t forget, tomorrow is it!  May 22nd, registrations are due!  Finally, I’ll be able to stop saying that!


I hope to see everyone on the water this weekend and at a party near the lake soon!


Stay in the clear air

Dan Allen
MC 2577 – Relentless

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