img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
28th May


Crow’s Nest 05/28/20

May 28, 2020
Bright sun, rain, storms, even funnel clouds!?!?!?  Did Mother Nature have a dizzy spell?  We got the full bag of springtime weather happenings this past weekend.  The good news…….  If you had a watchful eye, you had plenty of time to get out and enjoy the lake with your family and friends!


If you missed the email from Commodore Hank Anderson last week regarding the CLYC COVID-19 guidelines you can find it here.  As of right now the first party is still tentatively scheduled for June 13th at the Yacht Club building.  I’m told the Officers and Board are working diligently to see how we can make this possible.  As always, stayed tuned here to the Crow’s Nest for more information!


Speaking of COVID-19, the Sailing Center guidelines, schedule and other pertinent information can be found on their website; .  Please be sure to click over there and register for classes ASAP.  They have their collective hands full trying to work around the Pandemic, let’s do everything we can to make easier on them!


The Memorial Day Regatta is in the books, well at least for the E fleet, and it was exciting!  Tight racing all the way through along with some jitters, some breakdowns, possibly some choice words, along with the uncertain weather. Certainly, a test for the “Big Boys” during the opening races.  In the end it was a tie.  The results of the E fleet are as follows:

Z-17 – Tesar – 1, 2 – 1st Place (Tie)

Z-23 – Haugerud/Oltrogge – 2, 1 – 1st Place (Tie)

Z-9 – Price – 3, 3 – 3rd Place

Z-10 – Ebeling/Callanan – 4, 5 – 4th Place (Tie)

Z-3, Z-33, SF-33 (Geez Jeff, which is it) – Lundberg/Nicholas – 5, 4 – 4thPlace (Tie)


Did you happen to notice I wrote “Big Boys” in the previous paragraph?  Perhaps a first, though I could be mistaken, is 3 female skippers in the E fleet.  One of those skippers being a member of a complete female team!  I’ve requested, in fact begged for an exclusive interview with the team leaders.  The response has been welcoming and positive.  Looks for those interviews to be out soon!


I really can’t believe I have to write this, but, as I’m sure you all know the Clear Lake 4th of July festivities have been canceled for this year.  The first time in the 149 year history it’s been done.  The decision was not made lightly, I’m sure.   Thanks COVID-19……….


Hopefully Mother Nature decides to be a little tamer, at least consistent this weekend and we can all get out to play!  Don’t forget to break out the cameras or more likely cell phones and snap pictures of your favorite moments! Tag the YC Facebook page and share your lake time fun with everyone!


Stay in the clear air
Dan Allen
MC 2577 – Relentless

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