img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
19th Aug


Crow’s Nest 08/20/20

August 20, 2020

For the first time this season I noticed a very unfortunate indicator the end of club racing is coming…  In Clear Lake on Saturday morning, the “feels like” temperature was lower than the air temperature…  Yes, technically a “wind chill,” in AUGUST!  I for one find that very depressing though it happens every year and we know it’s coming.  Hopefully, the ugly white stuff stays away for quite some time yet, of course the way 2020 has gone who knows!!!

Those of us out on the water may have had heard swarming bees or killer mayflies… It turns out its just Dave Haugerud out with his drone above the fleets!  Be sure to be on your best behavior and looking good, you never know what may be captured on camera!

While the club racing season is winding down; the competition is heating up!!!  Every championship trophy is still up for grabs.  Leif Lundberg, Sam Ludwig and their respective crews have put a little distance between themselves and the rest of the fleet, however, the remainder of the fleet still has time to pull off the upset.  The MC fleet is down to a 3 horse race; Mark, Stu and Todd are slugging it out with the leader changing constantly.  The E and C fleets remain close; it’ll be fun to watch the rest of those races! 

Speaking of the X Fleet, rumor has it 4 more boats may be added to the fleet for the 2021 season… 10 X boats on the line every weekend, wouldn’t that be great?!?!?!  It’s been a while since we’ve had that many youth boats on the water.  That’s directly reflective of the great work done by the folks at the Sailing Center.  Engagement and retention has been a focus for them and it’s really paying off!  Thank you ladies and gentlemen of the Sailing Center for all your hard work, it doesn’t go unnoticed! 

Ah the end of the sailing season…  A time for pause and reflection on days or moments of glory, what if’s, the I should haves and of course the regret of the bloopers!  We’ve all had them; some witnessed, some not, some actually witnessed when you didn’t think they were…  Stu Oltrogge has a file on each and every one of us, his minions ever present with watchful eyes… No one is safe.  Hopefully the cats are out of the freezers, the docks are second nature enough that they aren’t walked off of…  In other words, can we please award it to someone other than the Starbecks!!!!  Send your stories over to Stu! 

Coming up is the annual Clear Lake Hobie Regatta.  They will be launching from City Beach starting August 29 and concluding on the 30th.  As of right now I’m not sure what the racing arrangements will be for the fleet races, we may need to use the West end of the lake, which could be a fun little change… Stay tuned for more info… 

The MCSA Masters Nationals is happening September 17-20, yes, the event is still on and everyone involved is charging forward! The Notice of Race as well as the Covid-19 response is posted on the CLYC website as well as the MCSA website.  Many volunteers will be needed in order to host the top notch event to which the sailing community is accustomed.  Mike Starbeck is heading up the spectator fleet; this is one area which we’re going to need a good amount of help, especially given our self-imposed social distancing guidelines.  Please contact Mike if you can help. It can be one day, the whole weekend, the use of your boat for another to drive, it doesn’t matter just please help in any way you can!  Mike Stabeck 319-290-9088

Attention board members: The next meeting of your collective minds is this Sunday at the Yacht Club building downtown.  Commodore Anderson is set to open the meeting at 1:30.  

The Tri Clear Lake IS being run this year; better late than never, something we’re all accustomed to…  The committee needs a volunteer on a powerboat to observe swimmers on the elongated Olympic course.  It would start at 7am on September 5th.  If you’re able, please contact Jake Kopriva at 641-231-1414

Some members have equipment they would like to pass along or are looking to obtain, please see the following: 

  • Steve Taylor has a 2004 Melges X Boat for sale, a race ready boat with 2 sets of sails.  He’s asking $3500 – Contact Steve at or 515-360-0664
  • Dan Allen is looking for an Opti in good condition.  If you have one or know of one available, please contact him at 

As always please stayed tuned for more fun times, I hope to see everyone this weekend! 

Stay in the clear air. 

Dan Allen 

MC 2577 – Relentless

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