img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
30th Jun


Crow’s Nest 07/01/21

The Yacht Club got a very nice note from Phil and Chelsea Swanson, Bob Swanson’s kids.  They would like to make us aware of the plans for a celebration of life for Bob.  Now that most, if not all restrictions are lifted, the Swanson’s are putting together an event on July 10th from 4pm to 7pm at the VFW in Clear Lake; appetizers and drinks will be provided, we just need to share the memories of Bob……….  I’m sure everyone has plenty of those!  All those able, should feel free to attend.

MC Nationals – 119 Boats was the final count; a new MC Sailing Association record for regatta participation!  This shatters the record set by Clear Lake back in the year 2000 with 109 boats.  We only got one race in and it took three attempts to keep us eager racers behind the starting line… Shortly after that race, mayhem ensued!  Huge winds, huge waves, boats capsized and masts taken down… Despite Mother Nature’s cruelty, the sailors, crews and families had a fantastic time in Clear Lake.  Everything within our control was once again extraordinary!  Speaking of extraordinary; a sail raffle was done at the regatta which raised $7700 for the Sailing Center!  A huge thank you to those sailmakers and our very own dedicated “Sailspeople” putting forth their best efforts!  15 Clear Lake MC sailors participated in the regatta, though their best results were the efforts in entertaining our guests from out of town; we were certainly great at doing that! The others who were unable to race, did the next best thing, loaning their boats out and working in other capacities, great job MC Fleet 36!

As usual the Clear Lake Yacht Club’s members showed up in style with our welcoming nature, delivering a sense of enthusiasm far exceeding even the Regatta Committee’s expectations! The Regatta Committee would like to thank the following, in no particular order: Mike Starbeck (Spectator / Crew Boats), Joann Nicholas (Lunches), the Surf Ballroom (Friday Night Party Location), Al & Traci Ludwig (Friday night dinner), Scott & Chris Long (Saturday night dinner), Jeff Brakke (Saturday Night Party Location), Steve Swift (Driving boat for Sailing World Photographer) Dave & Ruth Miller (Breakfast), Pam Little (Breakfast), Meg Casey / Bob Krogh (Registration), Hank & Kathy Anderson (Friday night hosts), Ken & Paula Hanus / Bob & Louise Krogh (Saturday night hosts), Deb Tesar (Dock Assignments), Julie Oltrogge (Volunteer Coordinator) Chad Nyhus, Lexa and Ana Starbeck, Hank and Kathy Anderson, Christy Debartolo, Diane Kotz (Raffle Ticket Sales), Wil Cooney (Scoring and Saturday Sound System), Billy Starbeck (Saturday sound system and general go to’s), the entire Race Committee, all who helped out with Haul Out, all who helped out with launching and towing boats, All who helped distribute lunches, all who helped drive spectator boats, all who helped with Sunday’s clean up, and all who helped at the parties.

Andi Tisor reports from the Sailing Center:  2021 West Water Clinic had 23 boats in attendance, for Monday & Tuesday. The kids had ½ a day on the water Monday, for practice starts and a few short races. We had boats from Okoboji, Minnetonka and all of our Clear Lake kids.  We also had one skipper from Pewaukee, who took an Okoboji crew, and a crew from Chicago, for one of our own sailors.  Great friendships were made, and a great opportunity for the kids to sail with 20+ boats on the starting line.  Volleyball was very competitive, so much so, that the kids played through the down-pour Monday night.  Special guest coach, Ted Keller, stayed for two extra days, after coming into town for the MC Nationals Regatta.  The kids had some great “chalk-talk” on land with an excellent coach.

Special Thanks to:  Charlie MacNider, Bill Casey and Mark Tesar for helping set up the race course and working with the coaches, to have a good experience on the water.

Thank you to Jeff Nicholas and Stuart Oltrogge for working with Ted Keller, and getting him to stay for our clinic.  They also made donations to cover his fee. The Russ Schurtz Memorial Fund will also be used to cover some of the clinic expenses.  As we all know running an event is only possible with amazing volunteers.  The sailing school board as well as many X-boat parents, helped to make this a huge success.  A special thank you to Rebecca Nyhus for her 9 day stretch of living at the yacht club.  Rebecca worked Monday through Wednesday with the sailing school, then she shifted to race committee duty on the signal boat for the MC Regatta, transitioning Sunday from MC’s to X Boats, chairing the X West Water Clinic.  The visiting lakes all appreciated their time here, and look forward to coming back next summer.

Next up; Carnival Mayhem!  Downtown Clear Lake has turned into a campground of fun loving, entertainment specialists…  Get the cash out and buy your wristbands; one shot at knocking the bottles over for $3, two shots for $12, what a great deal!  Get your wristbands and thoroughly enjoy all the rides you can! Don’t forget to keep your hands away from the rusty parts on the Tilt-o-whirl or the bumper cars!

The now annual Clear Lake Boat Parade is scheduled for Sunday July 4th from 1pm to 4pm.  It starts around the Venetian Canal along the North Shore and beyond.  I sure hope those people bring back the “Bathtub” float or the huge swan; What a great new tradition! The fireworks; yes folks, they’re back!!!  10pm Sunday, July 4th, the tradition resumes!  July 5th, the observed Holiday date, showcases the annual parade down Main Street, get your plastic bags out and let your kids/grandkids clean up the candy littered road!

If you’ve been reading closely, you’ve noticed, it’s the 4th of July weekend…  That also means the 4th of July Regatta this weekend.  Fleets, be ready for back-to-back races on Saturday.  Hopefully we get a race in on a Sunday, that’s something the X and MC fleets have yet to do!

Our very own Brad Price is becoming a shorthanded ocean racer extraordinair…. We all know he loves to travel to regattas; this past week Brad completed AND WON his first shorthanded race last week; the 2021 Oakcliff Sailing Double-Handed Melges 24 Distance Race!  100 nautical miles, through current, winds ranging from 2mph to 20mph and zero sleep!  24 consecutive hours of racing.  Congratulations Brad, great job and thank you for representing the Clear Lake Yacht Club!  For much more details, look online for Oakcliff Sailing, they even have a picture of a Paul Cayard esque looking Brad!  Google Paul Cayard and tell me I’m wrong……

The ILYA Invitational Regattas are coming up soon; don’t forget their offer to pay your registration fee!  If you haven’t participated in an Invitational in the past 5 years and would like to go, register now!  The ILYA X Boat Championships are fast approaching; those are over in Pewaukee, WI July 28th – 31st.  The Big Inland is over in Okoboji, which runs from August 16th – 21st depending on your class of choice.

The next YC party is July 17th at the Tesar-Oltrogge-Tesar Compound, we have plenty of time before that event; more details will be provided as they become available.

Folks, let’s take a minute and think long term… The survival of the club depends on recruiting and keeping new members.  The events held so far this year at the Club have garnered much attention; everything from graduation receptions and wedding receptions to our clinics and regattas; the town and surrounding area is taking notice.  Answer the questions people have and invite them to be part of our community of fun, lake loving friends.

I believe that’s all the rambling you need this week!

Stay in the Clear Air,

Dan Allen
MC – ?


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