img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
20th Apr


Crow’s Nest 04/21/22

Another week has passed; we’re getting closer to the start of a wonderful Summer on beautiful Clear Lake! As the weeks pass, the registrations continue to pour in! Thank you to everyone who has registered and those who have made donations to the Sailing Center while registering!  Two weeks is all you have before the deadline of May 7th, if you haven’t done so, please go out to the website and register now!

The annual Spring cleaning at the yacht club building will be held Saturday, April 30th starting at 9am; all that’s needed is your willingness to get dirty! Margaret is ready to go, she’s got clubhouse rentals lined up and the time is ticking away before the first one. Please make it easier on Margaret, come lend a hand… If you have any questions, please contact Margaret Oz at

The Sailing Center is in full prep mode!  In about 6 weeks the youth will embark on their journey into the world of sailing and beyond.  Please remember that learning to sail is much more than just the skills to actually sail; it’s life lessons and expansion of the students’ horizons!  If you have a minute, which you obviously do since you’re reading this, please go to their website; check out the schedule and curriculum.

Learning from the Sailing School is something we can all do, even if we aren’t enrolled… Many of us are experienced sailors, good swimmers, wear life jackets and can handle many situations… What if you lose control???  ILYA Commodore Lee Alnes created a “Safety and Education Committee”; the creation of this entity has brought about some strong suggestions for the youth coaching staff which may also be a great idea for those of us operating power boats… Kill switches; how many of us have them and don’t use them, we just let the cord dangle?  Probably a good idea to have hooked to the driver, especially when you’re spectating the sailors in 20 knot breezes…?  If a sailor goes overboard or worse; do you know what to do and where to go?  Safety cards are available with all of these specifics and every member should have one with them while spectating! If you don’t have one, have no fear… At the first social event of the year, Saturday June 4th, we’ll make these cards available to everyone.

May 7th the Clear Lake Yacht Club is hosting a Race Management seminar; these seminars with John Strassman (USSailing Certified and Internationally renowned Race Officer) are designed for yacht club race committee members that want to know how to get organized and run great regattas and races. This is NOT the seminar for US Sailing certification that is based on the rule book. Please remember to bring your rulebook (RRS 2021-2024) with you if you have one! This seminar will also be great for RC individuals that want a spring refresher before the opening race of the season. There will be hands-on exercises and lots of time for questions and deep dives into your situations.

For times and location please contact Mark Tesar at

Seminar Registration Link

Our very own E-boat driver and Vice Commodore Brad Price (Z-9, Goose), is venturing farther offshore this summer, participating in two ocean races that are sure to test both his mettle and his stomach.  First, The Atlantic Cup.  On May 22, he will dock-out from Newport, RI racing double-handed (that’s right, two people only) on a Class-40 racing yacht out into the Atlantic on a 315 nautical mile race up the U.S. East Coast to Portland, ME.  Then, the following month, Brad will venture outside the range of helicopter rescue to race in the Newport-Bermuda Race, docking out of Newport, RI on June 17 for a 635 nautical mile race across the Gulf Stream and into paradise on the island of Bermuda. Newport – Bermuda Race If anyone has any questions or is looking to become involved in offshore racing and/or training, Brad would be happy to try and help.  Feel free to shoot him an email or just call his cell.

For those feeling motivated to partake in non-sailing activities; this weekend offers a great opportunity!  Clear Lake is having its annual Earth Day events including the 5k and 10k runs in addition to the obvious cleaning of the entire town… Clear Lake is a gorgeous town year round, it’s so much better after a great Spring cleaning! But wait there’s more… Inflatables for the kids, Intro to pickleball classes, toys, tug of war, yoga, the list is nearly endless! Come join the rest of the town for a great day in the park!

Please don’t forget; CLYC Membership  – hit the link and register for 2022 if you haven’t done so already! Remember May 7th is the deadline…

More next week!

Stay in the Clear Air,

Dan Allen
MC 2811 Relentless
E Z-11 Wild Side

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