img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
31st May


Crow’s Nest 06/01/23

What a beautiful Memorial Day weekend! Slightly frustrating on the sailing side, but one can’t complain about the abundant sunshine, summer-like temperatures and some of the clearest water I’ve personally seen in years! Now that we’ve all indulged in a taste of summer; let the real summer begin!

The “Real Summer” begins with the first social event of the year!  This Saturday, June 3rd starting about 6:30 at the Yacht Club building downtown. Beer, wine, soft drinks and water will be on hand.  Social Members you’re in charge of food at the first event as you usually are; I for one can’t wait to see what kind of delicacies you bring, you folks are by far the best! New Members, please join us! Typically this is the most well attended party and the best chance to meet new people! In Commodore Price’s absence (more on that later), Vice Commodore Casey Callanan will be front and center to welcome everyone!

I have a correction from last week as I evidently cannot properly read a text message! The E fleet party will be at the Sorensen residence, however, it will be on Friday, June 30th at 6pm.  Please change your calendars.  For more information please contact Jake –

Did you know we have a MAJOR regatta right here in Clear Lake this summer?!  That’s right we’re hosting the 2023 Melges 15 ILYA Championship Regatta from August 3rd – 6th.  More than 50 Melges 15’s hailing from all over the Midwest will be in attendance looking to stake their claim on the prestigious title.  Following in ILYA tradition, the fleet has purchased new hardware for the race winners and Champions; in fact, the new Race 2 Winner Trophy will be named “The Clear Lake Yacht Club Race 2 Winner Trophy.”  The CLYC has its permanent stamp on the fleet!  The event planning is commencing beautifully, but more volunteers are needed.  It could be anything from helping to pack lunches, directing traffic to driving spectator boats.  If you can help in any capacity, please contact Julie Oltrogge before she has to contact you!

Speaking of the Melges 15 Championships… CLYC Melges 15 sailors… Yes, you!  Please go and register for the ILYA Championship.  Here’s a link for you Melges 15 ILYA Championship

While last weekend’s weather was a great introduction to summer for most folks, the sailors may have had a few choice words for Mother Nature!  Shifty winds anywhere from 7-19 mph were sailed in across the Saturday races, many times in the same race!  It was a true test of patience for the sailors and RC alike.  Despite the sometimes frustrating breeze, close racing was the name of the game in every fleet.  Leif Lundberg and Elle Ebeling crossed the finish line in race 1 within seconds of each other.  Mark Tesar won his first race by about a boat length; in the afternoon session he won an E boat race with an extremely fast final run!  The second race in the MC fleet saw a major convergence at the finish with Dan Allen, Randy Kotz, Eric Protzman, Stu Oltrogge and Brad Oz all finishing within 10 seconds of each other.  Great competition, renewed rivalries and budding new racers, what a great way to start 2023! Congratulations and great sailing by everyone! A tremendous congratulations goes out to Avery Tidrick and Thea Sorensen for competing in and finishing their first CLYC event, well done ladies!

The Memorial Day Regatta results are as follows:

X Fleet: MC Fleet:
1st – Z-5 Leif Lundberg 1st – 2878 Mark Tesar
2nd – Z-15 Elle Ebeling 2nd – 2811 Dan Allen
3rd – Z-7 Jude Sorensen 3rd – 2842 Stu Oltrogge
4th – Z-84 Brady Amble 4th – 2569 Eric Protzman
5th – Z-4 Avery Tidrick 5th – 2790 Todd Tesar
M15 Fleet: E Fleet:
1st – 385 Riley Cooney 1st – Z-13 Mark Tesar
2nd – 110 Dave Atkinson 2nd – Z-23 Emily Haugerud
3rd – Z-94 Eric Protzman
4th – Z-9 Brad Price
5th – Z-7 Wil Cooney

Fleet Captains (or someone who would like to volunteer): If you would like to do a write up on each week’s racing, I invite you to do so.  It doesn’t need to be a blow-by-blow commentary, however, a bit more action than I can provide would be amazing! I know the members who can’t make it out on the water like to hear first hand accounts of the racing, let’s help them out!

Saturday morning will bring week 2 of racing; we may end up doing two races Saturday morning so be prepared just in case (I’m not sure if we’ll make up for the missed races from last Sunday, that’s the PRO’s discretion). PRO Charlie MacNider’s formula for the starting sequence and leeward mark selection worked out very well so I would expect much of the same in the weeks to come!  E Fleet please note, you have racing this Sunday, June 3rd at 2pm.

We have an update regarding the Mixed + Initiative within the Melges 15… The following comes from Jeff Nicholas:

“As a part of the M-15 sailing this summer we are going to have several mixed+ races.

Mixed plus is a new initiative around the country working towards encouraging more female participation in Sailing. Mixed+ generally means that 50% of a boats crew is female. We are going to take the next step and ask that the skipper be female.

This will be a relaxed series this year. We are not going to keep scores. (unless those participating would like to) There may be times that it will be sailed without spinnakers. The idea is to just get out on the water with friends and enjoy the sport that we all love.

The M-15 works great with many different combinations. Husband and Wife. Or should I say Wife and Husband. Mother and Daughter. Father and Daughter. Any combination you like. Just make sure the right person is at the helm. Race times will be 2:00pm.

All the racing will be held as close to North Shore as possible with an onshore social time following racing. So, line up your crew and let me know,, so I can reserve a boat for you. The first race is coming up. Mark your calendars with the following dates – June 11, June 18, July 9, July 30”

Safety for the racers and those around it is paramount to our fun during the summer.  The CLYC has safety information cards available for all members.  It’s obviously very basic information, however, a checklist/reminder is sometimes necessary under stress. New first aid bags are now installed in the RC boats thanks to the BOD purchase. VHF Channel 72 is the channel which the PRO and others communicate for various reasons. If a sailor is in need of assistance they will also communicate there as well.  Please know if a sailor is in need of help and you’re capable, please do so; if you’re unsure of how to help, it’s best to let someone who does know how assist. Lastly please remember this and other channels are only for use involving the racing, not to chat with friends or give advice/coaching.

Racing spectators and party goers; the Commodore, Webmaster and narcissistic folks (like me) would like your pictures!  Our website and Facebook pages are getting a little stale, they need updating with current shots and we sailors love pictures of ourselves! Please forward any pictures and/or video you’re willing to share to Stu Oltrogge or simply post them on Facebook and tag the CLYC.

Many CLYC sailors will be attending regattas off lake this year… This weekend Commodore Brad Price will be helming and trimming on a Farr 40 for the Annapolis to Newport Race Annapolis to Newport. While the website has every bit of info you can want; the general overview is a 475 nautical mile race from Annapolis, MD to Newport, RI.  Good luck Brad.

The Clear Lake Sailing Center opens Monday, June 5th!  From what I’ve heard, the sessions are filling up faster than ever before; it’s a true testament to the efforts of the Board and Instructors over the past years that they have so much success.  Parents, Grandparents, caregivers, make sure the kids get signed up early and for multiple sessions!  So much learning and fun is on tap for 2023!  Adults, don’t think you’re going to be left out!!!!  The CLSC has classes for you as well.  Select Tuesday nights are for adult learning and registration is open for those classes as well! Navigate your way to for class details.

That’s all for this week’s edition, more exciting news next week! Until then friends!

Stay in the Clear Air,

Dan Allen
MC 2811 – Relentless

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