img (641) 357-8001
img 103 Main Ave, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue water, white sails and friends.  Clear Lake at it's finest!
26th Apr


Crow’s Nest 04/27/23

Hey there friends and welcome to a shortened edition of the Crows Nest.  It’s early in the season and not much happens in the way of major excitement… Yes, the weather is getting nicer, the docks and lifts are going in the water and the calendar is slowly inching toward the “Official” first day of Summer in Clear Lake – Memorial Day.  Before we get to the Memorial Day weekend however, we have a couple very important things to remember:


This Saturday, April 29th is Clean Up Day at the Club!  Margaret Oz has a bit of a busy weekend and will be gone… That means, Mark and Deb Tesar will be taking the reins and organizing those who are able to come help!  The fun starts at 9:00 am.  Weather permitting, please bring tools for gardening; the plants in the mulched areas need tending to as well as the rain garden down toward the lake.  If the weather turns out to be less than ideal, we’ll just have to work inside the building… Perhaps someone can invent a new way to reach the fan in the peak of the ceiling…?


Believe it or not, the registration deadline is nearly upon us!  Sunday, May 7th is the deadline to get registered and have your name in the highly coveted Yearbook.  Emily Haugerud and Meg Payne do a wonderful job with it, but it takes time to put such a masterpiece together, get it printed and ready to distribute at the first party of the year.  Please go out to the website and register today!  I’m sure you’re talking to all your friends who aren’t members about joining our great club…Remember friends, for only $100 they can come have fun at some of the most fun places in town and hopefully learn something new from new friends!


In case you forgot, here’s a breakdown of the membership dues:


  • Base Membership – New Member – $100
  • Base Membership (Social Members; required for racing boats except the Melges 15 Developmental Series)  – $125
  • Junior Base Membership (Those not included in a parents membership who are under age 30) – $55
  • Racing Boat – $170 per boat (E, C, MC, M15, Hobie)
  • Racing X Boat – $65 per boat
  • Melges 15 Developmental Series (Base Membership not required) – $60 per boat


That sums up all the news.


E Scow sails available:  2022 North J4 Jib (class legal) used one weekend – $800,  2019 North Whomper (solid white) used 1 ½ seasons – $800.  Please contact Dan Allen for more info –


Until next week friends!


Stay in the Clear Air.


Dan Allen
MC 2811 – Relentless

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